Cooperative Stewardship Plan

Friends for the Abbott Marshlands, D&R Greenway Land Trust, the public entities who are property owners of the Marshlands, along with PSEG, believe so strongly in the importance of maintaining healthy, sustainable Marshlands that they have agreed to work together in support of protection, preservation and stewardship of the Marshlands.
During 2008 and 2009, representatives of these diverse partners met to share information and discuss issues and goals relating to coordinated stewardship of the Marshlands. Public meetings were also held to solicit input.
The discussions were supported by the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program. The result was the Cooperative Stewardship Plan Hamilton – Trenton – Bordentown Marsh 2010 .
The Plan provides a framework of six goals and the tasks geared to implementing them:
- Protection and Preservation,
- Stewardship,
- Education,
- Recreation,
- Marsh Identity and Interpretation, and
- Coordinated Management and Organization.
These stewardship partners also established an Abbott Marshlands Council, whose charge is to assist in implementing this Plan. The interests of private landowners are represented on this council by their local municipalities.