The Abbott Marshlands provide many opportunities for nature study, recreation, and quiet reflection. There are trails for hiking, some for biking, and there are picnic tables in several locations. Check out “Things to Do” for your favorite activity and don’t forget to check our calendar of events, and see exhibits and programs at the Tupehaking Nature Center. Also, click here for directions.
Use GoPhillyGo.org to plan your trip to the Tulpehaking Nature Center at the Abbott Marshlands. Find Tulpehaking Nature Center as one of the Featured Locations, and click “Find Directions.” Developed with state-of-the-art mapping technology, this site makes it easy for users to plan their routes through multimodal methods — combining biking + walking + public transportation within one trip.
NOTICE: Neither Friends for the Abbott Marshlands, D&R Greenway Land Trust, or other organizations or individuals mentioned in this website are responsible for injury, loss of property, or other events that might occur on a visit at the Abbott Marshlands.
Please Remember:
- Walk on trails. The Marshlands are a fragile resource. Trampled plants may not recover.
- Note that trails may be slightly rerouted due to downed trees. Trails have been marked using plastic arrows or paint blazes.
- When canoeing or kayaking, take care in tidal areas; currents may be fast, forceful, and dangerous, and the water deep. Wear a life vest at all times. Take guided trips if you are not an experienced paddler. Except for Spring Lake, waterways are tidal. For tide information see local newspapers or Tides.
- Follow canoe / boating courtesy rules when you paddle. See www.americancanoe.org, Learn To Paddle for Top Five Tips
- Don’t forget to check for ticks that can be active any time of the year. Also take care to prevent mosquitoes from biting.
- Please report downed trees and other trail impediments: in Roebling Park to Mercer Co. Rangers – 609-443-8956; at the Bordentown Bluffs or along the D&R Canal State Park tow path trail – 609-924-5705; at Northern Community Park to 609-291-2133; or email.
- Be mindful that this natural area is located in an urban setting. Use caution when visiting. Don’t leave your camera or valuables lying about. Report any suspicious behavior to the Hamilton (609-581-4000) or Bordentown Township (609- 298-2800) Police. In an emergency, call 911.
- For information about field trips check the Calendar.
Activities Not Permitted
- All terrain vehicles and other motorized vehicles, excepting those owned by Mercer County Parks or D&R Canal State Park, are not permitted on trails.
- Digging and looting artifacts is illegal.
- Dumping of trash in parks and along roadsides is illegal.