Now open, Enjoy a video with a sneak peak of the artists here!

The nonprofit Friends for the Abbott Marshlands (FFAM) present their 2024 opening exhibition of fine art, entitled “Nature’s Duet”, on view through February 28th at the Tulpehaking Nature Center in Hamilton. This show combines the artistic visions of two local area artists, Abigail Johnson, Princeton, and Laura Beard, Ewing. Both received awards this year in the prestigious Ellarslie Open 40: Abigail in digital art, Laura in watercolor.
“Nature’s Duet” shows the color harmony of both abstract and realism, applied to the inspiration of the natural world. Johnson’s collection, from her “Planetary” series, is a meditation on the natural world and its many complex ecologies. Beard’s collection is an invitation to consider the animals, both large and small, that share our planet. Both artists honed their passion for nature in the woods, Johnson in the Blue Ridge Mountains where she was raised, and Beard in the local forests of central New Jersey.
Both Johnson and Beard hope to call attention to the Friend’s efforts to build awareness and support for its protection and stewardship. Tulpehaking Nature Center is located at 157 Westcott Avenue in Hamilton. It is open Wednesdays through Saturdays, 10 am to 4 pm. All works are for sale at the close of the exhibit. Purchase can be made at the nature center’s reception desk, or call [(609) 888-3218](tel:(609) 888-3218). A percentage of sales will benefit FFAM. For more information, visit
Please RSVP here if you’ll be attending the Reception with the Artists on Sunday, February 4th, from 2 – 4 PM.