Art in the Marsh: Drawing Bare Trees in Snow

Tulpehaking Nature Center 157 Westcott Ave., Hamilton

The lack of leaves on trees in the Abbott Marshlands allow you to find birds, notice more of the marsh and what's really happening. Reflect on the beauty of bare […]

Event Series Duck Walk

Duck Walk

Spring Lake @ Roebling Park 500 Sewell Ave., Hamilton

Did you know that ducks and other waterfowl migrate south to the Abbott Marshlands in the fall? Let's take a walk and see if we can spot these seasonal visitors. […]

Winter Wildlife

Tulpehaking Nature Center 157 Westcott Ave., Hamilton

Bundle and boot up for a naturalist-led hike at the marsh to discover what animals are doing the long, cold winter months of winter. Families will participate in a scavenger […]

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