Wild Plant Culture: Restoring Native Edible and Medicinal Plant Communities

Talk is cancelled. We hope to reschedule soon.

Join us on Saturday, June 24th, at 10 AM for this talk as field botanist, native plant grower, author, and restoration practitioner Jared Rosenbaum asks whether we can honor native ecosystems and lifeways as we restore habitats that support humans, other animals, and native plants alike.

Native edible and medicinal plant species can be integrated into gardens and ecological restoration projects to create habitats that support (and include) humans as part of local ecosystems. We’ll consider stewarding edible and medicinal plant species in native habitats such as riparian corridors and glades and discuss how a habitat-based approach translates to yards, parks, and farms. We’ll explore the prospect of changing our foodways to patterns that favor native diversity, rewarding restoration and stewardship.

Event will be held in person at the Tulpehaking Nature Center, 157 Westcott Ave., Hamilton, NJ. 08610.  Registration is required.  Please register here and consider making a $10 donation to support our programming!

Biography: Jared Rosenbaum is a botanist, native plant grower, and Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner. He is a founding partner at Wild Ridge Plants LLC, a business that grows local ecotype native plants using sustainable practices and performs botanical surveys. Jared is the author of the book Wild Plant Culture: A Guide to Restoring Native Edible and Medicinal Plant Communities, as well as children’s book The Puddle Garden, about native plants and wildlife.

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