Looking for community? Join our dedicated, easy-going, nature-loving crew of volunteers!
Volunteering with The Friends for the Abbott Marshlands is a fun and rewarding way to join with a community of dedicated people to help preserve the natural marshland spaces and species. We have opportunities that match a whole range of schedules and interests- this blog features our Trail Stewards!

The Friends for the Abbott Marshlands is excited to share stewardship of the trails with you! This involves “adopting” one of the trails in the Marshlands and committing to hike the trail at least once a month when possible, reporting on its condition, and reaping the rewards of seeing how your stewardship of this trail keeps it cleaner and safe for community enjoyment. Trail monitors can do more, such as clearing litter, plants or small branches that encroach on the path, yet that is up to you! Some of the trails we steward are listed here: https://abbottmarshlands.org/getting-there/
From our current Trail Stewards:
“As trail stewards, we ensure the trails are safe and enjoyable. Working with state, county and local governments, we also act as caretakers of the land and help preserve and protect the land for future generations.” Rich Allen

“In this densely populated region in the most densely populated state in the country, the marshlands with the natural areas and ecological diversity were a delightful surprise to me. I enjoyed walking and kayaking in the marshlands and eventually decided that I needed—and wanted—to help maintain this treasure. Keeping an eye out for a new patch of invasive plants or an odd object to be removed hasn’t changed my walks so much, but that slight adjustment helps get attention where it is needed.” Deb Brockway

“Late winter is a great time to enjoy the trails. You can see far and wide before the spring foliage returns, which is especially nice on the Northern Community Park trail with its rich topography from bluffs to wetlands. With the bitter cold moderating, you can ditch the heavy jacket, but mud-proof boots are a good idea!” Dan Preston

Trail stewardship is perfect for those with busy, relaxed, or unpredictable schedules as you decide when you want to hike! It’s easy to incorporate into your lifestyle, and lets you bond with nature and exercise while you help out. You also get to meet others in our group cleanup days, and hikes! The Friends provides training for this and all our volunteers activities. For more info on this, check out our website at : https://abbottmarshlands.org/trail-stewards/ or email info@abbottmarshlands.org.