Watson Woods in Roebling Memorial Park is noted for its archaeological history. Many archaeologists, including Charles Conrad Abbott (1843-1919), found evidence that the marshlands were an important gathering place for Native Americans. Here, Abbott made daily forays into the marsh to study nature. He wrote many books about his archaeological and natural history observations. Remains of his Three Beeches farm can still be seen on the bluff above Watson’s Creek.
The Abbott Brook Trail (yellow) in Watson Woods follows an old carriage road through a beech, maple and oak woodland to a creek crossing at the base of the bluff just below the Watson House. The Abbott Bluff Trail (red) in the same area climbs to the top of the bluff and leads to the depression in the ground which is all that remains of the home of Charles Conrad Abbott that was destroyed by fire in 1914. Watson Woods is located in the John A. Roebling Memorial Park, owned and managed by the Mercer County Park Commission.