Winter Land Art

Land art is a type of art that’s created by directly manipulating the landscape, either by sculpting the land or by constructing structures using natural materials. This is an MCPC […]
Art in the Marsh: Drawing Bare Trees

The lack of leaves on trees in the Abbott Marshlands allow you to find birds, notice more of the marsh and what’s really happening. Reflect on the beauty of bare […]
Dream of a Tortuga- Marshlands in Wire Exhibit

Solo Exhibit of Wire Art by Srishti Rajoria Did you ever wonder how a turtle might chase its dream? Join Srishti Rajoria as she tells her vision of this journey […]
Art in the Marsh: Painting Fall Leaves

Join us inside the Tulpehaking Nature Center to draw and paint fall leaves. Artist Margaret Simpson will talk about methods of sketching, and teach us to paint in watercolors. We’ll […]
Exhibit Reception: Voices for the Marsh Photo Show

Come out to one of the Friends for the Abbott Marshlands most popular events! The Voices for the Marsh 11th Juried Photographic Exhibition celebrates the select work of local talented […]
Art in the Marsh -Painting Spring Wildflowers

Email to be on the waitlist. Learn about the art and nature of spring wildflowers in Roebling Park. Join us outside the Tukpehaking Nature Center to see some beautiful […]
Art in the Marsh: Drawing Bare Trees in Snow

The lack of leaves on trees in the Abbott Marshlands allow you to find birds, notice more of the marsh and what’s really happening. Reflect on the beauty of bare […]