Nature’s Echoes Exhibit by the Trenton Community A-Team
The Friends for the Abbott Marshlands will host the Trenton Community A-Team (TCAT) exhibit, Nature’s Echoes, from September 8 – October 29, 2024. Opening Reception will be September 8 at 2-4pm, with an opportunity to meet the TCAT artists: Linda Barton, Derrick Branch, Carl Catanese, Dorrel Dennie, Carol Johnson, Warcheerah, Kilima, Deborah Kisela, Lisa Lewis, Claudia Moeller, Herman “Shorty” Rose, Gianna Smith, Willie Spinks, and Antonio Sullivan . The public is invited to attend. Cost is free. Register for the reception at https://tinyurl.com/2hwz8pkc. The Tulpehaking Nature Center galleries are at 157 Westcott Avenue, Hamilton, NJ.
The Trenton Community A-TEAM (TCAT) supports, develops, and promotes self-taught, local artists because art can be transformative by reframing the artist’s connectedness to self and others and by enhancing community pride. About nine members of TCAT visited the Abbott Marshland at the beginning of June, soaking in the sights, appreciating all the natural beauty the marshlands had to offer. Amazed and inspired by the experiences of their visit, the artists put paint to canvas, creating their body of work entitled “Nature’s Echoes”.
TCAT is an art collaboration that formed at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) twenty-five years ago. Each TCAT artist still meets for a weekly art program every Tuesday. The artists have their own studio called “Studio 51” where they continue creating art and growing their skills. This exhibit is both from the older artists and ever-growing newer artists. For more information, to donate, or view art please visit www.tcateam.org