Charlie Leck’s many important contributions to the marsh continue. Thanks to a generous donation by his wife, Mary Leck, we now have established the Charlie Leck Fund in his memory. The fund provides for continued support of Friends personnel to recruit and train volunteers and manage their activities in support of the promotion and protection of the marshlands.
Charlie Leck (June 20, 1944 – February 28, 2023) contributed in many ways to our understanding of the ecological significance of the Abbott Marshlands. As the former state ornithologist, Charlie was a special fan of the wonderful variety of birds that visit and inhabit the marsh. He developed the marsh bird list as well as other inventories, such as butterflies, mammals, and reptiles and amphibians. He also contributed to the extensive plant list for the marshlands and led many birding field trips and programs about the marsh. As a member of the Washington Crossing Audubon Club, NJ Audubon, and the Friends for the Abbott Marshlands, he was able to share the significance of the Abbott Marshlands with a wider audience.
The Friends for the Abbott Marshlands will be forever indebted to both Mary and Charlie Leck for their contributions to our scientific understanding of the marshlands and for their generosity of spirit expressed in so many ways that helped to promote and protect the Abbott Marshlands.