Abbott Marshlands Council

Partners in Stewardship

Many different entities, both public and private, are property owners of land encompassed by the Abbott Marshlands. This makes coordination of Marshlands stewardship a challenging task.  Between 2008 – 2010, these partners worked together to develop a cooperative plan for the entire marshlands.  An outcome of the plan was to  create a Council.  The Council, established in 2011, works to implement goals, developed together by these diverse partners, as described in the Cooperative Stewardship Plan for the Marshlands.

Estimated Ownership Map (~2015)

Partners who participated in development of the Plan are listed below.  Those who signed the Cooperative Stewardship Agreement and are members of the Council are designated by an *:

Council Reports

Abbott Marshlands Council:   Report 2015-2016 & Five-Year Summary

Abbott Marshlands Stewardship Council:  Annual Report 2013-2014

Abbott Marshlands Stewardship Council:  Annual Report 2013

Cooperative Stewardship Plan:  Hamilton – Trenton – Bordentown Marsh 2010

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