Partners in Stewardship
Many different entities, both public and private, are property owners of land encompassed by the Abbott Marshlands. This makes coordination of Marshlands stewardship a challenging task. Between 2008 – 2010, these partners worked together to develop a cooperative plan for the entire marshlands. An outcome of the plan was to create a Council. The Council, established in 2011, works to implement goals, developed together by these diverse partners, as described in the Cooperative Stewardship Plan for the Marshlands.

Partners who participated in development of the Plan are listed below. Those who signed the Cooperative Stewardship Agreement and are members of the Council are designated by an *:
- City of Bordentown
- City of Trenton*
- County of Mercer*
- Delaware & Raritan Canal Commission*
- D&R Greenway Land Trust*
- Friends for the Abbott Marshlands*
- New Jersey Transit*
- State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection*
- State of New Jersey, Department of Transportation*
- Township of Bordentown*
- Township of Hamilton*
Council Reports
Abbott Marshlands Council: Report 2015-2016 & Five-Year Summary
Abbott Marshlands Stewardship Council: Annual Report 2013-2014
Abbott Marshlands Stewardship Council: Annual Report 2013
Cooperative Stewardship Plan: Hamilton – Trenton – Bordentown Marsh 2010